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mobile pallet changer

Location flexible repalletizing

When the greatest possible flexibility is needed, mobile solutions allow the PSV ULTRA to be used as a mobile pallet changer at different locations. The reasons for mobile options are diverse: either the pallet-sliding device cannot be attached to the floor, is needed in different areas onsite or must be put away after use. Basically, we recommend three different solutions that we fine-tune to the individual type of application.

The pallet changer PSV MOBIL has all the advantages of the PSV ULTRA: The slider mounted on roller bearings operates quietly, compensates for height differences between source and target pallets and carries out changes from wooden to plastic (also H1 hygienic pallets with edges) or aluminum pallets. Wooden pallets of different construction type and quality can be repalletized just as smoothly in the pallet pusher.

mobile pallet changer PSV-ULTRA MOBIL
 Pallet changer in mobile version from SW-Paratus

(en) transportable solution

mobile pallet changer is being loaded

transportable pallet sliding device

Switch pallets even more flexibly

Aboard cruise ships, some mobile pallet changers are used to quickly transfer goods from wooden pallets to the ship’s own plastic, hygienic ones. Others are unloaded onto the pier and used there directly in order to speed up the loading of provisions within narrow time frames. When the ships leave the harbor, the pallet-sliding devices are stored below deck until reuse.

mobile pallet sliding device

Rear support while in operation

For operating a PSV MOBIL, rear support is necessary at the site of installation, such as concrete base, a robust wall or a pillar. A customized battering ram adapter simplifies positioning the mobile pallet changer, and at the same time functions as a buffer to protect the wall against pressure occurring during operation.

mobile pallet changer with buffer

(en) Ausführung mit Grundrahmen

mobile pallet changer on base frame

how to operate the mobile pallet changer?

Solution with base frame

This version with a solid base frame makes it possible to operate the PSV MOBIL without it being attached to the floor, for example on a smooth surface in front of a wall. With the help of the supplied transport frame, the mobile pallet changer is put on a wooden pallet for storage or transport.

(en) Ausführung auf Stahlblech

Pallet pusher on a base plate

Solution on a steel plate including transport pallet

This mobile pallet pusher is mounted onto a robust steel plate that can compensate floor unevenness in the operating area and guarantees flawless functioning in front of a wall, or similar support. For transportation, the mobile pallet-sliding device is placed on a transport pallet made of galvanized steel with the help of the supplied transport frame.

mobile pallet pusher on base plate

(en) Ausführung auf zwei großen Unterlageblechen

mobile pallet changer repalletizes faster than any pallet turner

repalletizing in an open area

Solution on two large underlay plates

This mobile pallet changer is mounted on large underlying plates and takes advantage of the weight of the industrial truck. In this way, efficient pallet changing is possible in an open area without rear support.

(en) Add-ons

Accessories for the mobile pallet changer


Useful extensions for mobile pallet changers increase operational reliability:

  • A rubber buffer on the back cushions the forces at hand during operation.
  • The individual battering ram adapter simplifies positioning against a wall.
  • The form-fitting cover plate promotes safety and protects the pallet sliding space from external entry or access. Its surface can also be used to set down objects.
Accessories for the mobile pallet changer

(en) Buttons

(en) Buttons

Change pallets in approx. 30 seconds

this is how the SW Paratus pallet changer works

How to repalletize?

This is how SW Paratus' pallet changer works:
The loaded pallet is placed on the slider in the PSV ULTRA. With a forklift, the new, empty pallet is put in place and pushed forward. In seconds the loaded goods glide onto the target pallet, while the source pallet slides through the opening in the back wall. After repalletizing, the target pallet is taken from the pallet changer, and at the same time the slider glides automatically back. The pallet changer operates particularly quietly and the entire pallet change takes place silently. After easy removal of the exchanged and empty source pallet, the pallet changer is ready for the next repalletizing.

SW-Paratus pallet changer
 repalletizing in seconds
 efficient change of pallets
 pallet changer without energy consumption

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pallet sizes

The different models of PSV ULTRA are available as mobile versions on request:

Upon request

  • Special customized models, e.g. half-formats, disposable pallets (CUSTOM)
  • Stainless steel models
  • Special colors
  • Further load-bearing capacities
mobile pallet changer for different pallet formats

(en) Rubrik Video


mobile pallet changer

PSV ULTRA on board the AIDA

(en) Video repalletize pallet change 01

Mobile pallet changers are used on AIDA cruise ships to supply passengers. For hygienic reasons, food may only be stored on plastic pallets on board. Repalletizing from wooden pallets to plastic pallets is accomplished in the PSV ULTRA MOBIL in a matter of seconds.

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